Monday, October 28, 2013

Spiders, fleas, ticks, and creepy crawlies.

So as we go into summer over on the other hemishphere all the plagues are starting to emerge from their winter hiding places. There are spiders in our house, ticks all over the dogs on the streets, and I had the lovely experience of being attacked by a flea in the middle of the night and have flea bites all over my legs. After that I pretty much bathe my bedding and body in insect repelent everynight before I sleep, pretty sure I`m almost breaking the word of wisdom with the intoxicating smell all over me, but whatever it takes to be bug free! And  that`s not all, aside from finding the usual hair in our food this week had its new breakthroughs with all the critters crawling in our food. We ate at a sister`s house for lunch and as my companion prayed I noticed a work crawling out of the salad bowl, there was also a dead spider in another member`s bowl of coliflower and the ocassional ant in our rice. It`s in cases like these where blessing the food before every meal is more than just an act of gratitude, but an essential if I`m gonna make it out of this country without some crazy disease! I also accidentally swallowed a fly mid-lesson (just like in Kung Pow for any of my peeps who`v seen the movie!) it was buzzing around as I was teaching and next thing I know I felt something in the back of my throat and there was just nothing else I could do, but swallow!!! Need I say more about the insects?! 

So this weeks miracle was finding Henrique and Victoria! They are an elderly couple who we contacted on the street and had us over. They were evangelical, but haven`t assisted a church in a long time. Victoria was baptized in a river by this pastor, but she said she always felt like something was missing in her baptism. When we taught them the restoration and priesthood authority she said "That`s it. That`s what was missing!" They quickly accepted a baptismal date for Nov. 24th and came to church this sunday! They felt really great and in the Gospel Principles class we learned about Temples and Family History work and they`ve only been married civily and want a temple marriage! They are just so receptive and ready to accept the gospel in their lives and love having us over. Victoria always makes us treats like torta (cake) or panqueques (pancakes) and gives us candy and flowers from her garden. She is the sweetest things and just lights up my heart everytime I see her! They are so special and it was such a miracle to find them! 

So that`s about it, Hna.Broadhead and I have another 6 weeks together in Curacavi and are pumped for the opportunity to keep working together we get along so well I honestly don`t think I`ve laughed so hard ever with any of my previous companions. The bonds we make on the mission are for eternity :)


1 comment:

  1. hola....siempre escribe en ingles????...tuve que utilizar traductor para poder leerlo....esta muy buena...que interesante!!!...usted las escribe o hay alguien que lo hace?..cuidese...
