sSo I´m happy to announce I´ll be staying in Santa Maria for my 4th transfer!!! Me and Hna. Cottle are happy to be staying together for 5 months even though it´s not as companions, it´s still so fun and we can´t imagine the mission without eachother! In our last district meeting we stood in a circle and passed around our preach my gospel books writing something positive about each missionary and half of my dictrict wrote that they loved my accent because I talk like Daddy Yankee or some kind of reggeaton artist LOL! I died laughing, it´s the Miami accent, what can I say?! I still got it! So I´ve got several cool stories to mention this week, I´ll start with this weeks medical mystery, a weird rash I woke up with on my feet, it was only on the instep though and was super itchy, but thanks to Claritin I´m all good now. Me and Hna. Villota we´re contacting an old lady outside her house who was less than interested when a young boy was walking home from school and signaled us to come over. We introduced ourselves and he asked if we could walk with him while we talked, me and Hna. Villota didn´t know what to think, but we said yes and he began to ask us questions about why the sabbath day is on sunday and not saturday and he pulled out his bible to show us references. Wew though "Oh great, he just wants to bible bash with us." But we asked if we could visit him at his house sometime and talk more and he said he has a lot of questions because he´s found many flaws in his catholic faith and is searching for the truth. He said we couldn´t go to his house cause his parents wouldn´t like it and I knew we had teach him the restoration right then and there, so we sat at a park and taught him on the park benches and gave him a book of mormon. It was the craziest thing ever and seriously proved to me that there are people out there desperately searching for the truth! Sometimes you find them, but sometimes they come to you because they know we´re messengers of the Lord. This sunday was totally crazy, we we´re greeting the members as they walked inside the chapel, the branch president has the bad habit of letting his dog come inside the church and we´re always trying to kick him out. He was outside when a stray dog (a pitbull) started attacking him and it was the craziest thing ever! We all stood there in horror as the pitbull attacked the other dog, we literally thought he was gonna kill him! Half the branch was outside witnessing the spectacle, others ran to get water to throw at the dogs, another member was kicking the pitbull and literally stepping on his neck trying to choke him out, it was nuts! In the middle of the chaos not only did out investigators come ( we hurridly tried to rush them inside) but also the Stake President. He waited in his car in horror waiting for the mayhem to pass before going inside. The dog eventually let go and the member slam dunked the pitbull onto the street as the branch president dog ran for his life. Se formo tremendo show! (as we say in Miami) I was literally traumatized and don´t want to see or hear another dog the rest of my life lol The stake president later chastised the branch for forming such a spectacle out on the street and for letting the dog come to church, it doesn´t leave too great of an impression on the investigators so we backed him up 100%. The branch needs so much help and encouragment, I know if the 4 of us have stayed here another 6 weeks it´s to make a difference and we´re going to pray and fast a lot to be instruments in the Lord´s hands. Until next week!
Hna. Ibarra
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