This week was so amazing! It was the last of the transfer and so we were awaiting anxiously the dreaded phone call saturday night to hear where we´d be going, I was in the shower when the call came and ran out in my towel to hear the news, I was leaving to La Marcoleta which in El Centro aka downtown Santiago! WOW! I couldn´t believe it, I thought fersure I´d be staying in Santa Maria! I soaked in the news as I changed and then a second phone call came, that Hna. Cottle will be training a greenie from the MTC and so would I!!!! WHAT?! I was to open the sector in Marcoleta for me and a greenie missionary from the MTC and train, holy cow, I tried not to pass out and a million thoughts rushed into my head, but I´ve opened areas every transfer, it´s hard, but I got the jist of it. About a half hour later a call from President Essig came for me, he said that he decided I will be staying in Santa Maria, but will still be training. He said that they have never in the history of the mission asked someone with so little time out (almost 3 months) to train, but that the Lord needs me to train this transfer "Will you do it?!" he asked, how could I say no?! Our whole zone is freaking out about the news, I later got calls from my district and zone leaders who were all confident in my abilities and said they knew I was ready. I´ve been praying a lot these past couple days for me and my trainee who is most likely flying to Chile as I type this e-mail. I pray I can develop attributes of humility and patience and that I can lead her with my example, I pray that we´ll get along and not have conflicting personalities, I pray that we´ll be able to work with the spirit and together bring the light of the gospel to those who are prepared and waiting for it. So family and friends, wish me luck and pray that I don´t blow it! I´m confident in my abilities, but also am aware that I´m not a perfect missionary and have a lot to learn, but if the Lord has put his confidence in me to train a new missionary (which our mission president said that with the huge influx of missionaries coming in that training is the most important calling in the mission, more so than being a zone or district leader) that it´s for a reason and I feel so honored that he´s entrusted me to train so soon. Besides breaking records in the mission we had the baptism of Javier this sunday, which is always a special experience. Our "casa capilla" doesn´t have a font so we had to all take the bus to the stake center in San Felipe to do the deed. Meanwhile the font was filling up (because our branch mission leader has no clue what he´s doing and forgot) we took Javier´s neighbors who aren´t members on a tour of the chapel. You best believe I went into tour guide mode and am definitely missing my golf cart days!!! While I was explaining the classrooms and what we do after sacrament meeting Luz, the mom, said "Permiso, puedo decir algo?!" I let her speak and she said "Anoche yo soñe que yo estaba aqui y que usted me estaba explicando todo esto." An incredible spirit filled the room and I tried to hold back my tears infront of this stranger all I could say was "en serio?" and she nodded and said yes, I dreamed about you. It was such a special experience, and it truly testified to me that the Lord has prepared and is preparing chosen people for me to meet and touch their lives. She even asked how long the process is before someone can be baptized! Hopefully we can see her progress in the gospel and help her enter the waters of baptism. Well family, it has been a week of mayhem and miracles, but as always I´m grateful for this opportunity I have to be an instrument in the Lord´s hands and to see his tender mercy´s in my life and the life of those I meet daily. Today as I prayed for guidance as I train this transfer the Lord answered me in D&C 67:10, the Lord hears our pleadings and is watching over us at all times, It´s so beautiful to feel his presence in my life daily as a missionary, and He can do the same for you :)
Prayers your way,
Hna. Gladys Ibarra
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